
Gunman Shooting Kills 5 People in Toronto

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Police received a complaint of firing from a building in Vaughan towards the Northern part of Toronto. Police observed that 5 people have died due to gunfire.

On Sunday, a gunman open fire at a block of flats in Vaughan which killed 5 people and injured others. The injured people were immediately rushed to hospital and other people living in the flats evacuated the building to avoid any harm.

The chief police officer of Toronto, Mr. MacSween mentioned that authorities are investigating the attack and trying to establish connections between the gunman and dead people.

He further revealed that when police reached the crime scene, it was a horrendous scene that startled everyone as all the dead people were scattered throughout the flats.

The Chief further mentioned that there is no apparent threat to other citizens of Toronto and police will find the culprit no matter what.

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