
Bomb Cyclone Hits US and Kills 21 People

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Winter storm takes over 60% population of the United States of America, trapping people indoors and making life difficult for those working people.

The winter storm turned into a bomb cyclone as the temperatures hit below -45° turning everything into snowy white and icy due to which 21 people have died so far.

21 people died during the bomb cyclone in different areas and under different circumstances.

For instance, the Kansas patrol system stated that 3 people died in car collisions because of the snowstorm that made roads slippery and difficult.

Also, more than 3 people above the age of 30 died in car accidents and vehicle collisions because of storm weather due to which the drivers could not see their directions.

Moreover, police found a man dead in Memphis. The reason for the death is unknown but the police believe that the death is related to the weather.

Furthermore, the storm affected many trees which fell and blocked the roads. Also, due to the bomb cyclone, a power outage left 1.4 million homes without power.

Weather will continue to be severely cold in the United States of America and Canada. The weather forecast has revealed that around 4ft of snow is expected on the Eastern side of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.




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