
PM Shehbaz Warns India, Urges Global Action on Palestine, Kashmir at UN

The prime minister led a walkout of his delegation as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began his speech.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif delivered a powerful speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Friday, calling on Israel and India to stop targeting innocent Palestinians and Kashmiris. His address focused on regional and global issues, especially highlighting the ongoing conflicts in Palestine and Kashmir.

PM Shehbaz issued a strong warning to India over its threats to cross the Line of Control and occupy Azad Kashmir. He firmly stated that Pakistan would respond decisively to any Indian aggression. His words, “Pakistan will respond most decisively,” were underscored by a thump on the podium, leaving no room for doubt.

PM Walks out as Netanyahu Begins His Speech

In a bold move, the prime minister led a walkout of his delegation as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began his speech. This act of protest was quickly followed by other Muslim leaders, marking a significant moment in the Assembly. Information Minister Attaullah Tarar noted that Muslim seats remained empty when Netanyahu spoke.

During his speech, PM Shehbaz warned that the illegal occupations of Palestine and Kashmir were creating daily suffering. He urged the global community to recognize the human cost of these conflicts, questioning how the world could ignore the cries of mothers mourning their children in these war-torn regions.

Strategic Restraint Regime

The prime minister also criticized India for rejecting Islamabad’s proposals for a “strategic restraint regime.” He condemned New Delhi’s actions since August 5, 2019, when India unilaterally revoked Kashmir’s special status. He accused India of imposing a “Final Solution” on Jammu and Kashmir, highlighting the deployment of 900,000 troops, curfews, extrajudicial killings, and mass abductions in the region.

Shehbaz Sharif called for a reversal of India’s actions and urged dialogue for a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute. He also stressed that the international community must demand an end to the bloodshed and work towards a durable peace in Palestine, advocating for a sovereign Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

On terrorism, the prime minister reminded the world of Pakistan’s heavy sacrifices, with 80,000 lives lost and $150 billion in economic damage. He reiterated Pakistan’s determination to fight against the new wave of terrorism, especially from groups like the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan. He assured that Pakistan would continue to combat terrorism with its national effort, Azm-i-Istehkam, and cooperate with the global community on this issue.

Shehbaz also addressed the situation in Afghanistan, urging the interim government to respect human rights, particularly those of women and girls. He called for international efforts to ensure stability in the region.

Hindu supremacist agenda

Highlighting the rise of Islamophobia, PM Shehbaz condemned attacks on mosques and the desecration of the Holy Quran. He criticized India’s Hindu supremacist agenda and pledged Pakistan’s commitment to combat Islamophobia in collaboration with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the UN.

In his concluding remarks, the prime minister emphasized hope for the oppressed and urged the international community to uphold justice. He also pointed to Pakistan’s 2022 floods, which caused $30 billion in damages, calling it an injustice given Pakistan’s minimal contribution to global carbon emissions. He called on developed nations to meet their climate financing commitments and address the “debt trap” that hinders nearly 100 countries from achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

PM Shehbaz’s speech ended with a call for global cooperation to ensure justice, peace, and equality.

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