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Mysterious Blobs Wash Up on Canada’s Beaches, Investigation Underway

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Mysterious white blobs have been washing up on Newfoundland’s beaches for over a month. This unusual phenomenon has sparked an investigation by Canadian authorities. Locals and government scientists are puzzled by the sudden appearance of these strange masses.

Beachcombers in Newfoundland often encounter flotsam from the Atlantic. However, the appearance of these blobs has baffled them. The lumps of white material frequently appear covered in seaweed, sand, and pebbles. They first emerged on at least September 7. Local resident Stan Tobin described the blobs as smelling like vegetable oil. He compared their appearance to “someone tried to bake bread and done a lousy job.” Another local, Philip Grace, noted that they resembled “touton” dough, a fried biscuit popular in the region.

Strangely Combustible

Reports from the Mail and Globe described the blobs as “strangely combustible” with a “pocked slimy surface and firm spongy flesh.” They ranged in size from a two-dollar coin to dinner plates. Countless amateur sleuths and concerned citizens have shared their theories about the origins of these blobs.

Samantha Bayard, a spokesperson from Environment and Climate Change Canada, raised the possibility of criminal involvement. “If enforcement officers find evidence of a possible violation of federal environmental legislation, they will take appropriate action in accordance with the applicable compliance and enforcement policy,” she said.


Some locals suggested that the blobs might be fungus or mold. Others speculated they could be made from palm oil, paraffin wax, or even ambergris. Ambergris is a rare substance produced by whales and used in the perfume industry. However, these guesses are as good as those of government scientists. The scientists have been investigating since they were first notified on September 7.

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What Scientist Say?

A scientist from Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans spoke to the Globe and Mail. “We are fairly certain that the mystery substance is not a sea sponge, nor does it contain any biological material,” they stated. “We don’t think it’s a sponge because people have been lighting it on fire, and it burns.” They suspect that there must be some type of oil in the blobs.

Currently, scientists can only confirm that the blobs do not consist of any form of petroleum hydrocarbon, petroleum lubricant, biofuel, or biodiesel. More tests are on the way, and results may take up to a month to complete.

Nadine Wells, head of the marine ecological research group at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre in St. John’s, shared her thoughts. “We’re trying our best to get to the bottom of this mystery,” she said. “Until we have results, it’s hard to say exactly what it is.”

Wells emphasized the mystery surrounding the blobs. “It’s really mysterious—something we’ve never seen before, and we have no idea what it is,” she concluded.

As the investigation continues, locals remain curious and concerned. They hope to uncover the truth behind these strange, white blobs that have captured their attention and sparked intrigue across the region.

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