Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced a three-month Electricity Sahulat Package aimed at providing relief to domestic, commercial, and industrial consumers. The package, announced during a ceremony in Islamabad for Iqbal Day, offers savings on electricity usage from December 2024 to February 2025.
Under the package, domestic consumers will be charged a flat rate of 26.7 rupees per unit. This rate will allow consumers to save between 11.42 and 26 rupees per unit, depending on their specific tariff slab. The package is intended to reduce electricity costs during winter, when usage typically increases.
Industrial and Commercial Savings
Industrial consumers will receive a discount, saving between 5.72 and 15 rupees per unit, which translates to a reduction of 18 to 37 percent. Commercial users will benefit from savings of 13.46 to 22 rupees per unit, resulting in overall savings of 34 to 47 percent.
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Nationwide Coverage
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif stated that this relief package will be applicable across Pakistan, covering all provinces and territories. He emphasized the government’s commitment to alleviating the financial burden on power consumers during challenging economic times.
Tribute to Allama Iqbal
In his address, the Prime Minister also honored the legacy of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, calling him an inspiration for Pakistan. He credited Iqbal’s vision as a guiding force for the nation’s values and aspirations.
This Electricity Sahulat Package is expected to offer timely relief to consumers across Pakistan, particularly benefiting households and businesses through the winter months.
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