India has announced a seven-day state mourning period to honor former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who passed away at the age of 92 on Thursday evening in New Delhi. As a pivotal figure in India’s economic liberalization, Singh’s contributions leave an indelible mark on the nation’s history. The state funeral, a gesture of profound respect, underscores the nation’s admiration for his leadership and legacy.
Seven Days of Mourning for a National Icon
The Indian government confirmed that the state mourning will extend until January 1, with the national flag flying at half-mast across all official buildings. Manmohan Singh, who served as prime minister from 2004 to 2014, will be accorded a state funeral, with further details expected soon.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolences, calling Singh “one of India’s most distinguished leaders.” Various national media outlets paid tribute, hailing his transformative role in shaping modern India. The Times of India described him as the “man who liberated India’s dreams,” while The Indian Express proclaimed, “He opened India to the world.”
Architect of Economic Reform
Manmohan Singh played a decisive role in steering India’s economy during critical times. Born in 1932 in Gah, a village now in Pakistan, Singh rose from humble beginnings to become one of India’s most influential policymakers. His academic brilliance earned him scholarships to Cambridge and Oxford, where he excelled in economics and earned a doctorate.
In 1991, during a severe financial crisis, Singh was appointed finance minister by then-Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao. Singh’s bold economic reforms pulled India back from the brink of collapse and laid the foundation for unprecedented growth. His policies liberalized trade, attracted foreign investments, and transformed India into one of the fastest-growing economies globally.
Read: Former Indian PM Manmohan Singh Passes Away at 92
A Legacy of Leadership
As prime minister, Singh presided over a period of remarkable economic expansion. During his first term, India experienced growth rates exceeding 9 percent, solidifying its position as a global economic powerhouse. His leadership also facilitated a historic nuclear agreement with the United States, addressing India’s growing energy demands and boosting its international standing.
Singh’s tenure as a technocrat prime minister earned him admiration for his intellect and integrity. Despite never holding an elected position before becoming prime minister, he successfully balanced his roles as a leader and policymaker. His understated demeanor and focus on long-term goals defined his governance.
Challenges in Later Years
However, Singh’s second term faced significant challenges. A series of corruption scandals, coupled with slowing economic growth and rising inflation, tarnished his administration’s reputation. These issues, along with weak leadership within the Congress party, contributed to the party’s defeat in the 2014 general elections, paving the way for Narendra Modi’s rise to power.
Remembering a Visionary
Manmohan Singh’s life exemplifies a journey of resilience, intellect, and dedication to public service. From a small village in Punjab to leading India through transformative decades, his legacy continues to inspire. As India mourns his loss, the nation reflects on his contributions that reshaped its economy and global stature.
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