Days after Sarim went missing, his father received a ransom message demanding Rs 5 lakh. Authorities have transferred the case to the Anti-Violent Crime Cell (AVCC). The police are now investigating all possible angles, including the possibility of abduction for ransom.
Investigators are working to recover CCTV footage from surrounding areas. The apartment complex where Sarim disappeared has CCTV cameras, but they were non-functional during the incident due to a power outage. This has significantly hampered the investigation.
Sarimās mother, in an emotional appeal, urged those responsible to return her son. She stated that both boys attended the madrassa located within their apartment complex. However, only the elder brother made it back. The family filed an FIR, fearing abduction, and the case is under active investigation.
Search Operations Intensify
The search for Sarim has entered its ninth day, with no leads so far. Police have conducted an extensive operation in the apartment complex, searching all 212 flats and checking the buildingās four water tanks. Despite these efforts, Sarim remains missing.
The authorities are now relying on evidence from surrounding areas and statements from witnesses. The madrassa teacher reported that Sarim left with his elder brother after finishing his lesson, but the family disputes this claim.
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