Are you lazy or burnt out? Here are 5 telltale signs

Why do you appear to spend the majority of your time in bed? Have you been lying down and not accomplishing much lately? Do you consider this type of behaviour to be merely laziness? As a matter of fact, there is a lot of overlap between burnout and laziness. They can make it difficult to …

Netflix’s Best Recent Binge Worthy Shows

Netflix provides something for everyone, but there’s also a lot of garbage on it that you don’t want to spend your precious time on. Therefore, Day News has brought you the list of greatest TV shows on Netflix that will help you avoid the mediocre shows and uncover the finest shows to watch. We have …

Make Your Home Extra Cozy in this heat with These Plants

Plants help keep your home cool in the heat. Plants collect carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through the pores of their leaves, known as stomata, which they utilise for photosynthesis. The water is then released through the same pores. The process is known as evapotranspiration, and it cools the plant in the same way as …

The dilemma of English communication

Amreen Mir The dilemma of English communication has been inherited from Britains since Pakistan appeared on the world map. From the struggle for independence till to-date as an independent nation, we have failed to overcome this petty issue. It is beyond comprehension despite Urdu being declared as our national language, the state has failed to …

Child marriage in Pakistan

Rukhsar Inam Under child marriage restraint act 1929 (No XIX) child marriage is legally prohibited extent in Pakistan. The minimum age for marriage of a man should be 18 years while 16 years for a female (Section 2). According to a Unicef report in 2013 21% of the girls were married before the age of …

The Murky Origins of April Fools’ Day

April Fools’ Day has a long tradition of pranks, ranging from family pranks to the pranks that went horribly wrong, to public escapade. It is an annual tradition to play practical jokes and hoaxes on April 1. However, the exact origins of the day have remained a mystery. It’s a non-religious holiday and a recognized …

Is industrialization contributing to global warming?

What is global climate change or global warming? We often use Climate change and global warming interchangeably. Climate is a general weather condition of a place that persists for several years. In the United States, for instance,, Maine’s climate is snowy and cold in winter while Pakistan has all four seasons year-round. Climate change is …

This is how livestream concert came to life – thanks to COVID-19

By Eesha Zaidi The pandemic has totally changed the concept of how we used to live our lives, isn’t it true? Now everyone wears masks, carries sanitizers, and takes care of not only themselves but their environment as well. Everything has shifted to a ‘new normal’ which doesn’t seem really normal at least at the …

Now you can chat with dead people

It is quite common in movies and horror thrillers, where the characters are always trying to make contact with the dead through Ouija board, spells, and what not. But that is in the movies, let’s talk about reality. Can we talk to the deceased people? Thanks to technology, we can say that the answer is …

How to stop being lazy?

Laziness and lack of motivation can often lead you unsatisfied, unaccomplished, and depressed. You might find yourself drenched in negative thoughts but did you ever try to ask yourself about how to stop being lazy and depressed? If you have then we at are going to give you 6 proven ways you can stop …

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