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A mistake is treated like a sin on social media, Mawra Hocane

Hocane shares her opinion about being on social media

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In a recent interview, a renowned Pakistani actress, Mawra Hocane divulged that there was a time when she was so dispirited by trolls and animosity on social media that she was on the brink of quitting her acting career entirely. 

She mentioned that an artist’s success is determined, In the contemporary world, by their following social networking sites. But five years ago, this was not the case. Unlike other fellow stars, Hocane was already using Instagram and attracting plenty of followers while others were just getting to know about it.

The 28-year-old star recalled how little she knew about Instagram saying “I didn’t know a thing about Instagram” and that she used that platform only for the sake of enjoyment where she’d post her pictures. 

She recounted that her co-stars would always get excited about what she was doing to which she would tell them about the app called ‘Instagram’. They used to get confused because no one in their wildest dream had ever imagined it was going to be so big,” 

People began to ask Hocane to use the ‘forum’ to teach other actors and individuals to which she always said, “social media is nothing without us.”

The Sabaat actor alluded to the ridicule she had to face and still faces occasionally, she said, “I’m coming to terms with all these negative remarks made on social media, but six years ago it was very difficult.” Like, right now if I’m giving an interview, it’s likely I could say something wrong. But I learned that when it hits social media, something bad that comes out of your mouth is no longer wrong, it becomes a sin.

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