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Karachi: Today, new Hashtags emerged on the biggest Trending platform, Twitter, as many events took place.

#بجلی_کے_بل_جلاؤ [burn electricity bills]

In an infamous announcement by the government came to light of an increase in power tariff by Rs1.95, people showed resentment and soon the hashtag #بجلی_کے_بل_جلاؤ [burn electricity bills] started trending. Here are some of the tweets that serve as a reminder of 2014 when Imran Khan himself lighted [supposedly], the bill in an effort to encouraged the masses in a protest to do the same due to increase in the tariff.

However, people are enraged that Imran’s government hasn’t made any difference.

This is the reminder of what ‘goes around comes around’ to Imran-led government

People jogged the Prime Minister’s memory that the price of electricity has increased 20 times in 28 months.

#Fatima Tahir

On Saturday, Twitteratis grew outrageous on Fatima Tahir for going “off her limits” as one of the Twitteratis puts it saying that “We literally shouldn’t judge someone’s eman [ reliogioun] but on a serious note, this women “fatima tahir” has really gone off limits! You wanna wear these kinds of vulgar dresses go ahead but don’t wear that Allah pendant! She has no right to make fun of Islam.”

Here are the rest of the rage from the users.

Another user pointed out the hypocrite stance and wrote that people will support Fatima Tahir and people like her but will not stand with Dr Afia Siddqui.

One of the users said in jest,

#Rest In Peace / #Larry King

Today, according to international media, the Legendary talk show host Larry King was pronounced dead at the age of 87 and as the news came out Rest In Peace soon began trending on Twitter

CNN announced the sad news on Twitter.

And this is how fans reacted to the news

King larry is “one of the greatest hosts of all times”.

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