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Pakistan has conducted a successful flight test of the Shaheen 1-A surface-to-surface ballistic missile on Friday, the news was shared by the military’s media wing.

The objective of the test flight was to re-validate the weapon system’s design and technical metrics, including the advanced navigation system. As per the Inter-Services Public Relations, the missile has a range of 900 kilometres (ISPR).

Shaheen 1-A is a highly accurate missile system thanks to its sophisticated and integrated guidance system.

The head of the Strategic Plans Division congratulated scientists and engineers on a good test. According to the ISPR, he praised the “technical prowess, determination, and commitment of scientists and engineers, who worked tirelessly to ensure the missile launch’s success.”

The president, prime minister, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, and service chiefs all expressed their gratitude to the scientists and engineers who assisted in the successful missile test.

Strategic Plans Division Director General Lt Gen Nadeem Zaki Manj, Chairman of the National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) Dr Raza Samar, Commander Army Strategic Forces Command Lt Gen Muhammad Ali, and scientists and engineers from strategic organisations all witnessed the flight test.

The army successfully test-fired the Babur cruise missile IA last month, which is a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile capable of hitting land and sea targets with high accuracy up to 450 kilometres away.

As part of its annual field training exercise, the army successfully performed a ‘training launch’ of the nuclear-capable ballistic missile Ghaznavi in February.

A successful test, on January 20, of the surface-to-surface ballistic missile Shaheen-III was conducted.

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