Indian reality TV star Rakhi Sawant’s wedding is making headlines once again. This time, she is set to marry Pakistani actor Dodi Khan. Known for her bold statements and dramatic love life, Sawant confirmed that she has accepted Khan’s proposal and is ready for a wedding in Pakistan.
A Cross-Border Love Story
Sawant’s connection with Pakistan started recently when she expressed frustration over India’s TikTok ban. She jokingly threatened to move to Pakistan, enjoy local cuisine, and marry a Pakistani man. Now, it seems her words are turning into reality.
Dodi Khan, known for his roles in Ghabrana Nahi Hai and Durj, welcomed Sawant to Pakistan through social media. When Sawant claimed to be at Lahore airport, Khan playfully asked whether the wedding procession should be sent to India or Dubai. He ended his message with a heartfelt “love you.”
Sawant responded without hesitation. “He is my love. We love each other. He is from Pakistan, and I am from India. We will have a love marriage,” she told Indian media.
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A New Beginning
The actress did not hold back when addressing her ex-husband, Adil Khan Durrani. She accused him of seeking publicity through her name. “Adil is jealous of my marriage and wants to create controversy. I don’t want to give him any attention,” she stated.
Sawant also revealed that she has prayed for a Muslim husband during her three visits to Makkah. She described her ideal partner as a religious man who prays regularly. She believes that her relationship with Khan aligns with her spiritual wishes.
Wedding Plans in Pakistan
Sawant confirmed that the wedding will take place in Pakistan. She emphasized that the ceremony will follow Islamic traditions. “Dodi from Pakistan has proposed to me, and I have said yes. I haven’t thought about where our future children will be born—Pakistan or India,” she admitted.
She also believes that her marriage could symbolize peace between the two nations. “This marriage will create a sense of brotherhood between India and Pakistan,” she said, expressing hope that love could bridge political divides.
A Grand Celebration Ahead
Sawant’s wedding promises to be a major event. She has invited media personnel to cover the occasion. Fans eagerly await details, wondering if actress Hania Aamir, Sawant’s close friend, will attend and participate in the celebrations.
As the wedding day approaches, speculation continues. Will this union bring positive change? Will the ceremony be as grand as expected? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain—Rakhi Sawant knows how to keep the world watching.
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