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Restrictions on women are increasing day by day in Taliban ruled Afghanistan that is causing huge problems for women.

A few days ago, Taliban government in Afghanistan banned women from their universities and stole their rights to higher education.

Women set out of their houses and gathered on the streets of Kabul to protest against the Taliban government and their false notion of Shariah.

Taliban government maintains that belief that women should not leave their houses without proper hijab.

However, almost all the women who were banned from the Universities wore full hijab. Yet Taliban government still banned their entrance in education system.

Moreover, now Taliban government has made a new law that women workers will not work in non-profited governmental organizations (NGOs). Only men will be working in NGOs. The reason is similar, stating that women do not offer proper hijab.

Many women took to streets to voice out their anger and frustration. Some of them mentioned that they offer full hijab whenever they leave the house. Some of them said that they are the only breadwinner in the family, now who will look after their homes and expenses?

Afghanistan is already struggling with poor economy after foreign funding stopped flowing in.

United Nations and other countries have condemned this decision by Taliban government in Afghanistan.

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